What is web hosting? Your comprehensive guide to hosting basics

Web hosting is a term undoubtedly familiar to anyone who has ever created a website. But what is web hosting used for, and how does it function on the internet? These questions might seem complex, but today we’ll break it all down using simple language and real-life examples.


Web hosting is a service that provides server space to house your website files. This is crucial for people to see your website online. Think of the internet as a vast network. Websites are like homes situated on this network. The hosting of a site functions like the plot of land where your “house” (website) is built. The domain of the web hosting can be equated to the address of your home in this sprawling city named the internet.
… For instance: Let’s say you’ve chosen to set up an online bookstore. You’ve crafted its design and incorporated a book catalog. Now you need potential customers to visit your store and place their orders. This is where the concept of web hosting steps in.
Imagine your online bookstore as a new shop in a vast shopping mall. In this scenario, web hosting is akin to the space in that mall. You lease it to set up your shop. Without this space (web hosting), you lack the physical area to open up the shop. And customers can’t enter and purchase a book.
Now, picture the domain (e.g., BookStore.com) as the signboard of your shop. It’s what individuals will type into their browser. They’ll click on it in the search results to reach out to you. Without a signboard (domain), even if customers are aware of your store’s existence, they won’t find it amidst hundreds of other shops.


  • VIRTUAL SERVER: Suitable for small websites. Your website files are stored on one server alongside other sites’ files. It’s accessible and cost-effective.

… For instance, suppose you have a small blog on the WordPress platform or a landing page for your new venture. You don’t have a lot of visitors. Virtual hosting is your best option because it provides all that you need while saving your money.

  • DEDICATER SERVER: The entire server is exclusively for your website, ensuring maximum performance and security.

… Example: Consider a large online store with thousands of visits per day and a vast customer database. Such a platform would require a dedicated server to ensure consistent operation and data protection.

  • CLOUD PRIVATE SERVER (VPS): Offers more space and capabilities, storing your site’s data in a dedicated portion of a physical server.

… Let’s say, your online store starts to grow, attracting more visitors. A VPS would assist you in easily amplifying its power, ensuring uninterrupted and swift functionality.

  • CLOUD SERVER: Resources supplied by multiple servers in a network, providing flexibility and scalability.

For instance, imagine you have internet-driven projects (like online services or SaaS ventures) or extensive websites with loads of content. There are times when a large number of people flood your site all at once. Perhaps there’s a promotion, and everyone wants the details. Or you have an online store initiating a sale. It’s during these moments that it’s crucial for your site to remain active and responsive. Cloud hosting means your site “lives” across multiple servers. It can swiftly “scale” as needed, ensuring consistent performance even during high traffic spikes. It ensures that your site is always accessible and operates rapidly, regardless of how many users are visiting.


For your website to be accessible 24/7 to users from any corner of the globe, uninterrupted access to the site’s files is essential. This is where web hosting comes in. What is web hosting, you ask? It ensures the stable operation of the website, storing all necessary files and databases. This facilitates rapid page loading when requested in a browser.

… For instance: Imagine you are the owner of a small online store selling houseplants. Without a doubt, your primary sales channel is your website. It’s the go-to place for customers to browse your range and make purchases. It’s crucial that your website is available round-the-clock. This makes it accessible at any time of day. If, for any reason, your site becomes inaccessible, there’s a high chance a potential customer might switch to competitors. This would mean a loss in profit for you. Quality web hosting then becomes your reliable ally. It provides stability and continuous site operation. Thus, any user can access your platform at any given moment, choose the product they like, and place an order. This directly impacts the overall revenue of the company and the


When you grasp what is web hosting used for, it’s crucial to select the right option. Consider this: shared hosting might be adequate for startups and small websites due to its affordability. For larger projects with high traffic, it’s better to opt for a dedicated server or cloud hosting.
… For instance: A Toy Online Store. Imagine you’ve decided to launch an online store selling children’s toys. Your startup begins with a limited range and a constrained budget. In this scenario, shared hosting could be an excellent solution. It’ll provide the essential resources to kickstart and will be a cost-effective choice.

As your business grows, your product range will expand and website traffic will increase. When traffic becomes substantial, shared hosting might not be effective anymore. This is where dedicated servers or cloud hosting come in. With “what is web hosting” in mind, these options ensure a more stable website performance, helping it handle a significant influx of customers.

For a larger online store with an extensive range of products and numerous daily visitors, a dedicated server will offer all the required resources. It ensures high page loading speeds and site stability even during peak times. Meanwhile, cloud hosting allows for flexible adjustments to essential parameters depending on your needs.
Don’t forget to consider aspects such as provider support, the ability to scale resources, and ease of hosting management.


We haven’t delved deep into technical details. However, you now understand what is web hosting. You know its purpose and how to choose the right web hosting for your site. Web hosting is the home of your website on the internet. Making the right choice of “location” and “building materials” ensures a comfortable visit for users. We hope this guide helps you make an informed decision in the world of web hosting!

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